After effects simple transition help please

7 May 2009
Hi, I have loads of pictures in a sequence that are just simple cuts, but for the final image I want to change/morph/dissolve this image


into this image


I want it to look like the person(play-doh character) has been focused on and not look like a simple cut to black background if you know what I mean :)
I just want the first image to fade into the second image, so if it was disolve, fade or even swipe, it would like everything went black apart from the actual character there.
The thing is, you probably have given me everything I need, its just the first time I used AE so I dont know how to mask or anything :O I guess beginners tutorials for me, thanks though.
:O I cant even find the stop watch, it doesnt exist ! How can I get it? I think If I just found the stopwatch I can do everything.

EDIT: found it, :S it wasnt there before honest, will try it again....
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