Aftercare/warranty for Macbook Air M1

7 Nov 2012
My son has just bought himself a Macbook Air - is Applecare worth it? The excesses seem very high.
"Worth it" is very subjective. I think it is, its a near £1000 laptop that I personally would want to protect. I know other people have just added it onto house insurance etc but for many the ease of just going into an Apple store and having it sorted is worth it.

Or you go without, you get 12mths warranty anyway but should something happen after that you are pretty knackered. There has been cases of people getting help from Apple but certainly not guaranteed.
Am I right in thinking it extends the warranty from 1 to 3 years? So faults will be covered without an excess being applicable? The excess is only payable when claiming for accidental damage?

Does the excess apply to a battery claim? I can't quite figure it out from the T&Cs.
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