Aftermarket HID kits

2 Jan 2009
North Yorkshire
Hi chaps, got my new bike on the way... more on that in the next few days :D

... but I'm already looking at HID kits, has anyone fitted them to their bike? Easy? Have you fitted it to both full and dipped beam?

Really, I think just dipped will be enough for me. I never get much opportunity to ride full beam. I just want to be seen, not use it to see.

does your bike have projector style headlights? if not, don't fit a HID bulb IMO... you will annoy/blind every poor road user coming the other way.

The problem is bad enough on cars with non-projector headlights and HIDS, but with bikes that don't have projector style lights it's even worse as bikes are so stiff and as you go over bumps it looks like you're flashing people.

EDIT: just seen your from Dubai.. might be different over there?
Ah, need to update my location... I'm back in the UK now.

It's not my intention to blind people, I just want to reduce chances of being knocked off. People I've seen on the road who clearly ride with hids have never blinded me but I certainly notice them approaching in my mirrors.

Perhaps I can just put some small led bullet type lights near ther front mudguard to increase my visability.
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You could fit some to a reflector style headlight, but you'll need to work on the alignment. IIRC HIDs can give off 40% more glare.

You don't want them on high-beam simply because they take too long to warm up.

I've got one of these that i'm waiting for a nice day to fit it.

Decided against a cheap kit off ebay. What i will say though is that the ballast is a little bit on the thick side, but from looking around my bike I'm going to located it under the dash.
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