Aftermath - WarZ Successor

8 Sep 2006
On Ocuk
Aftermath is the spiritual successor to the infamous yet very popular zombie survival game Infestation: Survivor Stories formerly known as WarZ. The development team behind Infestation wanted to create a new experience for Infestation/WarZ players making sure to keep best parts of the game that made it popular, while avoiding controversial decisions and plain stupid mistakes that were previously made..

Unfortunately, it was impossible to make the modifications to the existing game under the partnership with Infestation's publisher – OP Productions LLC. We had to leave and start from scratch.

We do believe that what we’ve got is potentially one of the greatest zombie survival games on the market, and we want to make sure that all Infestation players are be able to try it for themselves. To make this happen we’re making this game FREE to all Infestation players.

Not sure I even remember my account login details for WarZ to begin with.

So what they are saying is some of the dev team realised WarZ was flawed (hackers and minging bad micro transactions) so they've broke away to make the game it could and should have been??
Perhaps :)

Any way I didn't remember mine either, so I loaded up WarZ, sent a renewed password, then loaded up the website for Aftermath.
1) Graphics look much better
2) Animations are terrible
3) Zombies are the same, sound the same and react the same
4) Walking sounds are awful
5) UI and Pick up is generally the same
6) Same chat box

WarZ > Aftermath :p
So what they are saying is some of the dev team realised WarZ was flawed (hackers and minging bad micro transactions) so they've broke away to make the game it could and should have been??

It's what they do. They have a long history of making games then just moving onto the next one and stop supporting their previous mess.
The WarZ was always going to suck as is this. It's a shame DayZ is taking so long so people waste their money on this crap...
I have no sympathy for the people who pay money into this inevitable failure.

Anybody with any sort of knowledge of WarZ would need to be certifiably insane to spend any ££ on this.
It will catch the WarZ fanboys and possibly the ill informed and gullible who may have been tempted by WarZ but were put off by the horror stories about it. The whole 'this is what WarZ should have been' will inevitably catch those poor souls out.
Yeh I doubt I have enough played time for this lol.

From what Thesnipergecko is saying/showing its WarZ 99.9%.

It's a shame no-ones come out with a really awesome zombie game as of yet.
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