Age of Conan MMO

1 Dec 2005
Was looking at this last night, the first mmo to implement proper gore :).

They say it has 80 levels, for the first 20 levels you will be in a sort of "single player" place, then your thrown out into the mmo world. I dont think its a grind fest tho, and the combat is looking very fun indeed with mount combat and all.

Gonna keep an eye on this one! hitting us Q4.

Theres a few mmos coming out soon, lets hope they'll actually be good, since a lot have been let downs.
=LOGS= said:
Have a friend from EQ on the DEV team so hope I can get an inside track into Beta doubt it but a faint hope.


Faint hope?? im sure with that sort of connection it'll be more than likely!! :P

I hope this game is popular with nice fulls server. The forums dont look that busy, but i guess that doesnt matter too much, if its a good game it'll be heard and people will flok in :)
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