Age of Empires style games.

26 Feb 2004
Hampshire, England.
Hi guys,

Installed AoE 2 HD last night and although I love it, it really does feel like I'm covering old ground... Has anything ever succeeded AoE, or come close even?

This is about my third play through of AoE 2 but I really want to move on now :)
Ha, thanks guys, played both of those - they're getting on a bit too, aren't they? I was hoping I'd missed out on a natural successor to AoE :D
My friend and I have been hammering AoE2 for the last few weeks, feels like old times :D it was in a sale so we grabbed it for some nostalgia.

Not got a recommendation but not sure if you have tried the new 'Forgotten' AI? MUCH harder than the original AI as was based on actual humans playing. 'Standard AI' is the old style whereas 'AI' is the new.
I'll have to check that out, is it an expansion? I've got the HD Edition and if memory serves it also came with a few other whistles and bells - so might already have it :p

I played the original AoE II to death and all official DLC at the time but I still miss it... 2 player (in the same room), head-to-head used to be my thing as far as multiplayer went.
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