Age of Wonders 4

30 Dec 2010
Over here
Quite a few of us playing this I think so thought I'd create a thread as I keep asking questions in the other ones.

I have not gone down the custom race route yet, just playing default (Crusading Croakers), on the first scenario. Has anyone got any general tips to share outside of min maxing stuff? One thing that made my life easier is I bound next army to 'q' and city to 'e' as I rarely ever rotate the map and I use wasd to navigate instead of mouse edge scrolling. If I created more armies I may need to reassign 'e' to prev, also keep forgetting I can assign commands to my mmo mouse.
I prefer to use auto resolve for battles, don't have the patience for manual ones (same in Warhammer TW3) but I have turned a defeat around by doing so when auto failed me.

Some of the event choices make no sense, an example was a birthday one where you could either spend 200 or 100 ish gold to boost relations with a free city, why would you not choose either for the sake of losing standing with them. I don't get why you are penalised with -5 alignment for destroying province improvements with someone you are at war with.
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I'm having a heap of fun with the game, I prefer turn based games over RTS as all too often RTS end up being a case of churn out as many units as possible and then just blob them in a zerg at the enemy. Not much actual "strategy" involved. I do like RTS but not so much for the strategy aspects.

Almost on 40 hours played now on AoW4 since its release, so nearly got my £ per hour out of it after roughly just 1 week. Got 2 games on the go at the moment, 1 pure evil Necromancer game (Massive map, 12 players, 11 good and neutral races and me as the sole evil race, the map world is a good aligned world, massive overland map and massive underground map) and 1 Stone Dwarves game (Massive map, 12 players, races all starting underground because the world has suffered a catacylsm which has forced all the civilizations underground for centuries, the surface world is destroyed and has ruined cities and wonders but each turn one of the areas above ground recovers from the cataclysm and turns into a random piece of normal terrain, so as the world above becomes liveable over each turn the underground civilizations are pushing to make a return to the surface)
Do people just see 'age of' and their brain stops functioning because the unrelated age of empires is an rts? Most 4x games are turn based lol and the age of wonders series always has been.

As above spent many hours already on this. Didn't enjoy the last civ (not sure how that franchise does so well being turn based) and wanted a different spin on things.
Just started a new game, enjoying it much more than the first as I have a better idea what I'm doing.
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Do people just see 'age of' and their brain stops functioning because the unrelated age of empires is an rts? Most 4x games are turn based lol.

As above spent many hours already on this. Didn't enjoy the last civ (not sure how that franchise does so well being turn based) and wanted a different spin on things.
Just started a new game, enjoying it much more than the first as I have a better idea what I'm doing.
I do love Civ 6 (and all the Civs 1 thru 5 before it), got over 1000 hours played on Civ 6 but one of the things thats good about the Age of Wonders series is that while they have some Civ aspects they are also different enough that they play differently which means that someone can certainly have both series in their collections without an overlap of the games.
I do love Civ 6 (and all the Civs 1 thru 5 before it), got over 1000 hours played on Civ 6 but one of the things thats good about the Age of Wonders series is that while they have some Civ aspects they are also different enough that they play differently which means that someone can certainly have both series in their collections without an overlap of the games.

I think V was my favourite but I'm just a bit done with it as a whole I think. I tend to prefer the grander fantasy 4x games now like Stellaris, Endless Legend.
If there are any others you recommend let me know, just not total war series because the blended approach doesn't work for me ala Warhammer.
I'm having a heap of fun with the game, I prefer turn based games over RTS as all too often RTS end up being a case of churn out as many units as possible and then just blob them in a zerg at the enemy. Not much actual "strategy" involved. I do like RTS but not so much for the strategy aspects.
This 100%. I've had fun with RTS games in the past but none of them cater toward different playstyles - it's all zerging your opponent with tier 1 unit spam. Basically, who can click the fastest. I much prefer 4 X / turn based games for strategic play.

As for AoW, I''m having a great time with it. It's exactly what I expected - an iteration of AoW 3 with additional UI, gameplay and character/race customisation enhancements. The only slightly controversial thing is the lack of a traditional campaign, instead getting several developer designed maps of increasing difficulty. I'm content with either direction, but I think most people who play this type of game ( certainly in the longer term ) will make their own custom maps/races anyway.
I'm having a heap of fun with the game, I prefer turn based games over RTS as all too often RTS end up being a case of churn out as many units as possible and then just blob them in a zerg at the enemy. Not much actual "strategy" involved. I do like RTS but not so much for the strategy aspects.

Almost on 40 hours played now on AoW4 since its release, so nearly got my £ per hour out of it after roughly just 1 week. Got 2 games on the go at the moment, 1 pure evil Necromancer game (Massive map, 12 players, 11 good and neutral races and me as the sole evil race, the map world is a good aligned world, massive overland map and massive underground map) and 1 Stone Dwarves game (Massive map, 12 players, races all starting underground because the world has suffered a catacylsm which has forced all the civilizations underground for centuries, the surface world is destroyed and has ruined cities and wonders but each turn one of the areas above ground recovers from the cataclysm and turns into a random piece of normal terrain, so as the world above becomes liveable over each turn the underground civilizations are pushing to make a return to the surface)

This is why I still play COH with the Blitzkrieg Mod, troop manufacture is limited, and you have to place your units strategically to win.

On expert level, I find the lesser difficulties too easy.
Do people just see 'age of' and their brain stops functioning because the unrelated age of empires is an rts? Most 4x games are turn based lol and the age of wonders series always has been.

As above spent many hours already on this. Didn't enjoy the last civ (not sure how that franchise does so well being turn based) and wanted a different spin on things.
Just started a new game, enjoying it much more than the first as I have a better idea what I'm doing.

Totally ! This game is superb !!! The level of customisation is through the roof. Reviews are extremely favourable.
This 100%. I've had fun with RTS games in the past but none of them cater toward different playstyles - it's all zerging your opponent with tier 1 unit spam. Basically, who can click the fastest. I much prefer 4 X / turn based games for strategic play.

Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance says hello. Proper RTS strategy, every unit counterable by another etc. The Forged Alliance Forever (FAF) community are still patching and balancing the game too.
Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance says hello. Proper RTS strategy, every unit counterable by another etc. The Forged Alliance Forever (FAF) community are still patching and balancing the game too.
I only ever played it at release, and back then going down the early zerg rush was the only viable tactic. Good to hear things may have changed over the years through community feedback.
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I might start going into to FPS threads and talking about how much I prefer third-person shooters instead.
Indeed can this thread be cleaned from nonsense? This game is fantastic having a blast with it.

You can role play all sorts of different factions and leaders from tolkien, warhammer, warcraft etc.
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I only ever played it at release, and back then going down the early zerg rush was the only viable tactic. Good to hear things may have changed over the years through community feedback.
On a 5km x 5km map I imagine aggressive pushes with T1 units is still viable. But on 10km x 10km maps, or the 20k and 40k equivalents it just wouldn't work. Games can last well north of an hour. You wouldn't usually see Tech 3 until about 20 mins. From there, T1 units get much less effective.

Since the publisher went out of business and the community picked it up (FAF) the game has been massively optimised, balanced and plenty of quality of life improvements and mods added for better AI, map generators etc. If you've not played it since 2007 it is 100% worth a look.

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This is my new start. Not much nearby other than the wonder.

This is my new start. Not much nearby other than the wonder.

Plenty of lovely empty space to conquer :)

Nearing the end of my Necro run, already got my next run planned. Going to create a barbaric, bloodthirsty race of melee focused halflings on a savage barren harsh world of desert and scorched land with 12 full height AI races. Think Mad Max if Max was played by a very angry Warwick Davis :D
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