Age old question MacBook Air or MacBook Pro?

6 Nov 2002
London UK
So my old reliable 2017 MacBook Pro (3.1 GHz Dual-Core Intel Core i5, Touch Bar, 16Gb) is on its way out due to the screen ribbon starting to fail, i.e. flexgate.

For the last couple of years it’s no longer been powerful enough for video and heavy photo editing, with those tasks being done on my iMac, but my MacBook does get used daily for web browsing, occasional photo editing and various bits and bobs.

So now I need a replacement and I can’t decide on what to go for, originally I was thinking an 16Gb M3 MacBook Air but the more I look the dreaded scope creep kicks in and I’m already up-specing to an M3 Pro MacBook Pro. :D

Processing power wise I can get my head around it, but my main concern is screen quality, I know the latest MacBook Pro has a much better screen, but how does everyone find the MacBook Air screen, from what I can see I ‘think’ its the same spec as my current machine?

Any pointers/recommendations appreciated, cheers.
6 Nov 2002
London UK
Also have a look at purchasing from Costco. They are quite a bit cheaper than the Apple store.
I've always found previously that Costco only stock based models so lower memory installed, but will take a look. I've ordered a couple of refurb machines from Apple before and those have all been great so also a good way to make a decent saving.

Although played about with my current MacBook using a plastic pry between the hinge and I seem to have temporarily fixed the fault so it's given me a little more breathing time to come to a decision. Think I'll take my MacBook into the local Apple store and compare side by side with the new models.

Appreciate all the responses though. :)
6 Nov 2002
London UK
Popped into the Apple Store today and whilst I didn't have my MacBook with me I did put a MacBook Air and Pro next to each other; to be honest between the 13.6" screen on the Air compared to the 14.2 of the Pro there really wasn't much between them, I couldn't tell the difference detail wise and only at highest brightness did the Pro win, although there certain isn't anything bad about the Air.

My decision is now going to be around compute power, M3 or M3 pro chip.
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