Ageo M Wall Brackets

8 Sep 2005
I guess this is the right section to put this in, as its to do with audio...

Well i just got some of these, but im a little confused on two things. Firstly, anyone who has these speakers know that dispite there size, they are pretty damn heavey, the wall brackets (official ones may i add) are tiny...made of light plastic, and look pretty flimmsey, not only that but the screws, lol...there tiny, 1cm long. Has anyone here actually used them? I don't wanna put these up and have my speakers randomly crashing to the floor one day.

The next thing im confused about is i got 4 pyramid shaped rubber things with a flat top, with the brackets, they have a adhesive underneath and i can't figure out what the hell there for. At first i thought they could be vibration dampners, but can't possibly see where they go?

Thanks in advanced :D
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