AGP 6800 Gt - Do I Need Ram Sinks with Water Block ?

Man of Honour
16 Mar 2005
Clevedon , Bristol
As Title ,

Just made a small upgrade from 6800 le ( wouldn't unlock ) to a 6800 GT

Using a waterblock for the core and no Ram sinks

( At load 48 core / 40 ambient ( on card ) )

Plan to o/c the GT to Ultra specs.

Would i need Ram sinks ?


my 6800GT agp is currently running at 61idle... and 93load max :( so yeh thats with water cooling system on CPU and

> 1x 14cm fan
> 3x 12cm fans
> 1 x exhaust fan
> GPU fan on 100%
> tagan 2x fans (size :S)

all other temps are ok , but it runs fine... so you should be ok :p or i am screwed ;)
Thanks for your replies

" 93 degrees @ Load " :eek: - gives me a bit of room to play with !!


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Booner! said:
my 6800GT agp is currently running at 61idle... and 93load max :( so yeh thats with water cooling system on CPU and

> 1x 14cm fan
> 3x 12cm fans
> 1 x exhaust fan
> GPU fan on 100%
> tagan 2x fans (size :S)

all other temps are ok , but it runs fine... so you should be ok :p or i am screwed ;)

I would try reseating that block if I was you... Sure there's no shim on the board?

I get 35oC max on my 6800GTOC

Sam C
My 6800gt was hitting 95C maxload not so long ago, when it got that hot though, I'd get CTDs and artifacts. I resat the HSF which improved things a little. But now it's in my WC loop and idles at 40C hitting 50C at max load. :)
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