AGP/PCI/SRC thingy

29 Jun 2005
hi all , does anyone know what the agp/pci/src o/cing option i have in my bios is and what it does? and what does src stand for?
the default settings are 66/33/100 mhz and it gives me the option to increase these in 1 mhz increments
it says in my m/b manual to "adjust agp/pci/src clock asychrohous with cpu".
what i would like to know is what benifits increasing these settings would be if any.
the only other o/cing option is adjusting cpu host frequency (fsb)
messiah khan said:
Just leave the agp/pci/src options alone. They are the bus speeds, and changing these setting are likely to cause the pc to stop working. The fsb is what you want to be playing with, together with the ram frequency, HT multiplier(If you have an Athlon) and cpu voltage.

ah ok thanks for the reply is just as well i asked first and didnt just whack the settings right up eh lol :)
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