Hi guys,
I'm considering moving back to an air cooled solution for my main gaming rig... I might have been unlucky but I've had 4 different AIO's since mid-Lockdown 1.0! My current Corsair is on the verge of going back because it's just so noisy

The hum of the pump is the only think you can hear in my rig when it's idle and its doing my head in.
I'm after recommendations; I'd still consider a decent AIO but I think I'm finished with Corsair and Coolermaster. And air coolers? With fans, max budget of £150. I just want silence
Rest of rig in my sig
Define 7 is a good case with lots of room for big air cooling.
Stock fans are not very good, but could be worse. 3x high pressure 140mm intakes (2x front & 1x bottom) might help, but I would try stock fans first.
With front full of intake fans and all openings not covered by them blocked / taped over so no air ca leak around into area in front of fans and go in circles instead of all air having to flow on though case to go out back or top.
Bottom intake with same blocking / taping openings often helps GPU get cool air. Usually removing all unused PCIe back slot covers increase rear vent area around GPU, thus improving front to back airflow so cooler air enters GPU for lower temps and fan speed.
You might find link below to basics of airflow and how to optimize case airflow of interest:
Ryzen 3600 does run about 10c hotter than my older CPUs. My idle and normal low load temps are easily 10c warmer than my 6700 or even my 920 @ 4.2GHz. I'm running ARO-M14O which is not the biggest / best cooler, but is still quite good. It's a couple degrees warmer than D15 but D15 is also 3-4dBA louder. Full load is about the same. Again it's hard to know exactly what temps are because of temp movement / spikes making graph look like wide ribbon instead of normal line.
3600 idle / surfing web temps are 30-40c with lots of temp movement / spikes making graph look like a funky fuzzy ribbon instead of normal line. Max temp <74c
6700 doing same is 26-31c with a few spikes. Max temp <73c
[email protected] is a couple degrees warmer (28-33c), both with almost no spikes. Max temp <75c
I assume you have isolated noise to pump and ruled out any possibility it's from GPU, PSU, fan/s, etc. AIO/CLC pump noise is very common problem many users don't notice. Even custom loop pumps need to be idled way down to be silent. Few CLCs allow pump speed control. That's probably good because their AIO/CLC pumps have very low flowrates .. about the same as a healthy young male urinates. That's 45-52L/h. For comparison D5, most popular custom loop pump has 1000L/h flowrate. People knowledgeable of water cooling say that as flowrates drop from about 150L/h on a hot CPU / GPU temps go up. At flowrates between 50-100L/h the effect is even greater, and below that the temp changes are even greater.
As to what coolers to consider, the bigger / more heatpipes a cooler has the better it can cool and the quieter it will be. That's assuming good build quality and design.