So I've got the current build and I'm wondering if I can improve the cooling a little by shifting the fan positions around. The photo below shows the current side and position/direction of the fans in my system.
Phanteks Enthoo Pro ATX Full Tower Case - standard setup (large fan on front, smaller fan on rear exhaust position)
1 x Arctic Liquid Freezer* II High Performance CPU Water Cooler - 360mm - set to vent up;
Intake on the front, exhaust on the back and top.
I'm wondering though, as the intake on the front has to go through the block of harddrives on the front, am I simply losing a lot of cooler air flow.
Would it be worth considering swapping the top fan around to an intake to bring in cool air to that region and then let the top be the only vent, or is that going to mess with the air flow in the main region that's generating heat.
Phanteks Enthoo Pro ATX Full Tower Case - standard setup (large fan on front, smaller fan on rear exhaust position)
1 x Arctic Liquid Freezer* II High Performance CPU Water Cooler - 360mm - set to vent up;
Intake on the front, exhaust on the back and top.
I'm wondering though, as the intake on the front has to go through the block of harddrives on the front, am I simply losing a lot of cooler air flow.
Would it be worth considering swapping the top fan around to an intake to bring in cool air to that region and then let the top be the only vent, or is that going to mess with the air flow in the main region that's generating heat.