
22 Dec 2004
Southampton, UK
So my case mod for the cooler master comp is coming along slowly, but i have a question about airflow.

which would be better first or second?

mc_bob said:
You want an air intake at the front. And air extraction at the back and top ;)

Why does the air intake need to be at the front? why not at the back?
Hot air rises, so you would be pushing cool air down, and the hot air rising will just push it out of an extractor fan or holes etc.

The intake fan is near the bottom to get cool air around the case.
Correct airflow direction.

Thanks for the responses of normal case ariflow, however this is a modded case hence normal case airflow doesn't apply - a bit sketchy i know but i have to keep my ideas under my hat!

So from what your saying mc_bob (and the way i'm thinking) there's no benefit in having the top blowhole as an intake. as in the second diag

The intake fan should be at the bottom of the case - be it at front or back it shouldn't matter
Actually hot air doesnt rise, cool air falls apparently lol

anyway besides the point

want to intake at the bottom of the case yes, one of the reasons people say front, is because the front of the case is rarely near a wall or anything and is usually sucking in "fresh" room temp air. Also the hotter parts of the pc "tend" to be towards the back of the case. (the left if you look at a case with side panel off) therefore in taking air right next to any of them will heat up the freshly sucked in air thus making it just warm up anything it passes until it is exhausted.

Case manufacturers employ scientists to work these things out and they've come to the conclusion that intake at front / bottom and exhaust back / top. unless you've literally moved everything around i reckon they are probably right.

just my 2 cent.
Where is the PSU located and does it have a bottom 120mm fan or a rear 80mm fan?

You basically want the PSU to be next to the exhaust fan, if you do that then they will not fight against each other.

As said, hot air rises but if your running a Phantom PSU in an Eclipse 62 with some decent fans, reversing them has no effect on the temperature, if the airflow is good enough it does not give the heat enough chance to rise to temperature sensative components.

Just need to basically have the cooling designed around the PSU placements, if its top rear then its front in rear out as usual, but if you mount the PSU at the front then you would have to have rear in front out etc.

Then if you mount the PSU at the bottom the best may be to.... you get the idea. :)

Airflow in a custom case is nothing like the standard cooling, the v1000+ has intakes only basically, front and rear so in and out is not the only way to do things.

If scientists have came up with that conclusion then please tell me how all of Lian Li's new cases work. ;)
broady212003 said:
:cool: Hi,

If im correct your air flow in the case should look something like this.

pic snip

Thats great for a normal case, no disputing that fact, but thats not the way my modded case will be layed out.

Cheers Yewen! the PSU part helps with the decision.

Thats what I say, all in bar the front which is an exhaust.

Assuming the PSU does not have its own compartment though, as that would mean it would be a normal in out config, but if the PSU is free to heat up the CPU you want cool air coming in from the rear.

We are talking a few deg between all the configs, so its nothing serious unless your sticking in a prescott or the like.
I'm going to go with picture 2 but will probably make the top an exhust as well.

All will be clearer when you see my mod log for the CM comp!
As Yewan said, each case is different so generic placement of fans isnt always best.
The only way is to try various set-ups and see the temps (both load and idle), can take a while but it will produce the most accurate results.
As an example in one case i reversed the roof mounted 120mm fan (so it was blowing into the case) and it dropped all temps, strange but true.
On my Wavemaster I have.

2 80mm intake fans at the bottom front
1 120mm intake fan on the side of the case blowing on my 3d cards. The fan makes the cards about 11c cooler, and with the cards a lot cooler the cpu is much cooler too
1 80mm exhust fan on the top rear
well yea i say front intake and back and top exhaust as everyone has said but saying this is a mod you can always add another intake set of holes i would say at the bottom of your case (also put wheels or leg on the bottom to give it plent of room to intake air) nearer to the back below your cards therefore you are forcing the air upawards toward the exhaust and there by passing over all your components and should cool them. and hot air does not rise it is forced up as the cooler air is heavier pushing down and therefore the hot air is forced up. lol
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