Airfryer, opinions?

13 Nov 2006
Recently saw an advert for an Airfryer but had no idea what it was (clue is in the name I guess ;)) but I can't believe I didn't know that these existed.

Does anyone here have one?

Are they any good or are they a bit of a waste of time?

I'm a bit dubious....they might be good at cooking chips but are they any good for other stuff? Chicken mainly!

I don't normally deep fry much and tend to use the oven for baked chips, or I shallow fry stuff, but if this can produce the same quality for less effort then it's something I could do with because I don't have a great deal of time to cook at the moment.

The reviews on the jungle place seem to be all positive.
There is a bigger version now, feeds 'up to 6' so probably good for 4 people.

intresting, i'd expect the food to be soggy

Basically you drizzle a bit of oil on then blast it with hot air, doesn't appear to be too different from an oven though? I suppose it's quicker and easier?
Do they get really well done in the fryer?

In the oven I usually leave them in until they almost start burning and they start to almost cameralise (if that is the right word) but, oh my word, they taste like a slice of heaven. :cool:

I might have to invest in one of these - can you recall how long sweet pots take in the airfryer? Normally take about 45 mins in the oven.

Have you used it to cook meat?

Fancy cooking me a meal? (had to ask! lol):p
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