Airport dropping signal on Macbooks?

18 Oct 2002
South Central L.A.
Hey guys,

having some problems with my macbook, the airport drops connection after some time and when searching for networks to connect, it shows none and is generally quite temperamental. I'm on 10.4.11 with all updates installed and wondering if anyone else has found a way to solve this annoying problem?

This is a known problem on MacBook Pros however I haven't heard MacBooks being affected by it. Changing the wireless channel on my router fixed the problem for me since my MBP would disconnect/reconnect from the network several times in a row every few hours.
I'd look at your router settings, I had a problem with connections (it would not reconnect or took ages to after waking from sleep) and fiddling with the router settings sorted in. Cannot remember exactly what though...

All problems sorted now I have an Airport Extreme lol! :D
I've changed the channel on the router however this makes no difference, it's still very dodgy, it was ok when I was at 10.4.8, maybe I need to upgrade to Leopard to properly sort it?
I've changed the channel on the router however this makes no difference, it's still very dodgy, it was ok when I was at 10.4.8, maybe I need to upgrade to Leopard to properly sort it?

You on WEP or WPA? Changing to WPA fixed my problems. Mind you, my problems where with 10.5, Tiger worked fine. :(
i had similar problems on my macbook... ended up changing my wireless access point to an apple one and works a treat now. The problem is likely an incompatibility between your wireless and your macbook.. so its probably cheaper/easier to fix the wireless access point/router than it is to try to get apple to make the macbook more compatible :)
I've just upgraded the router to the latest firmware and it's still a pain. Apparently with the new airport update I installed, its somehow geared towards the new apple wireless point. I want to be able to use my current router!
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