Airport Express HE Price, please? Oh and can Feek read this too?

28 Nov 2004
9th Inner Circle

Can one of you with access to the HE store tell me the price of a Airport Express on HE?

Secondly what program does Feek use for the drop shadows? Tried a search but I suck at searching (and spelling Spudger!)

Lord Splodge...
Secondly what program does Feek use for the drop shadows?

Skitch. Very simple.


Savings not worth the effort and wait. Might as well get one from the Regent Street Apple Store as I am in London next week.

I take it I can plug an ethernet switch into the Express to allow non wireless clients to connect to my Airport Extreme BS and thus the Internet?

Skitch. Very simple.


Cool. Cheers Feek!
I take it I can plug an ethernet switch into the Express to allow non wireless clients to connect to my Airport Extreme BS and thus the Internet?

Do you mean you're sharing the WiFi from the Extreme to the Express?

Then yes, you should be able to plug in the switch fine :)
Do you mean you're sharing the WiFi from the Extreme to the Express?

Then yes, you should be able to plug in the switch fine :)

Yes. Here's a sketch of the current setup:

Now said:

Cable Modem --> Airport Extreme Base Station --> Xbox 360 + Son's Computer.
AEBS USB has a drive connected to it for Time Machine from my MacBook \o/

[Downstairs Office]

My main desktop (WIFI) + PS3 (WIFI)

Server offline as has no Wireless.

Here's what I am planning:

Future said:

Cable Modem --> Airport Extreme Base Station --> Xbox 360 + Son's Computer.

AEBS USB has a drive connected to it for Time Machine from my MacBook \o/

[Downstairs Office]

Airport Express --> Audio to Stereo
--> USB to Storage *if possible otherwise on AEBS* (probably a Drobo at some point)
--> Gigabit Ethernet --> Gigabit Switch

--> Two computers (hopefully one new Mac!) PS3 and Windows 2008 Server connected to the switch.

I live in an old building and laying Cat5 would be a pain and thus I just want the Express to act as a wireless bridge and seeing as I have a Extreme then it seems the most compatible option + it can stream audio to my stereo!

I'm going to pick one up from the Apple Store in London next week so we will see how it goes but from what I can tell there shouldn't be any issues but it is nice to ask the people of the forums as they may have done it an have some caveats.
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Mmmm, Drobo (more specifically, Cali Lewis demonstrating the Drobo ;)). You could *sings* Put all of your stuff on a Drobo */sings*
The only reason i ask, is when I specked RAID storage for our small apple network at work, 2 independent apple retailers / specialists both recommended to stay well clear of the drobo, due to reliability issues. I went for a Lacie Biggest in Raid5 coonfig in the end.
Maybe its just that Apple retailers have an affinity with Lacie products.

I use a G4 with a SATA Raid card (only because the G4 was free).
The only reason i ask, is when I specked RAID storage for our small apple network at work, 2 independent apple retailers / specialists both recommended to stay well clear of the drobo, due to reliability issues. I went for a Lacie Biggest in Raid5 coonfig in the end.
Maybe its just that Apple retailers have an affinity with Lacie products.

I use a G4 with a SATA Raid card (only because the G4 was free).

I've not read much bad about Drobo however I have had two LaCie drives fail on me so I won't be going with them!

If I got a free G4 though....anybody? :p
Funnily enough the Lacie Drive failed on one of my mini servers and getting an RMA from LaCie is proving to be a biatch. Not sure that I will be trusting my data to them again.
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