airport extreme or...?

Have you looked at the AirPort Express?

It's cheaper than the Extreme and offers AirTunes unlike the Extreme model. However, it's more expensive than the Netgear router but offers a USB port and AirTunes which both could help justify the price difference a bit.
The Airport Extreme is worth the money in my opinion, especially if you happen to have a spare USB HDD as it then becomes NAS/Time Machine Drive. Also remote printing if you plug a printer in.

The device also isn't as ugly as an ugly thing as most routers tend to be but that may not bother you.

Downsides? Pricy and the software that manages it tends to obscure some options that you may need.

I have gone through quite a few routers (Goddess knows why, they just seem to die) and so far the Extreme hasn't skipped a beat. I even have to restart it less, although I still do from time to time bloody Virgin Media! :mad:
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