Airport Extreme + ??

18 Oct 2002
Well I got my Airport Extreme a few weeks ago and I love it. However my Linksys wirelss USB adaptor does not support Dual N networking so I want to buy a new PCI or USB wireless adaptor to connect to the Airport.

Any ideas, Im sure I saw somewhere that a makeshift Apple USB adaptor is available; also it needs to be hooked up to a Vista/Win 7 PC. All my macs have built in 802.11n support :)

If I can't find anything Ill get myself an Airport Express and plug that in next to my PC and wire it into the LAN port :D
Hooked up the Express today, its wirelessly extending the network to the Extreme. Super efficient, faster download speeds and rock solid stable. Excellent result!
Good news! I'm thinking about picking up an Express to do exactly what you've done, extend my wireless range. The Extreme is very good but it doesn't go quite as far as I'd like into the garden :)
I actually have my PS3 connected via CAT 6 to an AirPort Express.

This reduces the number of devices on the network using 802.11g so it's all good.
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