ajax to refresh database.

11 Oct 2008
At the moment when I click my link

<a href="/?movement=up">Move up</a>

it loads the following code which updates my mysql database.


    if ($movement == "up")
    $sql = 'UPDATE movement SET pos_x = pos_x-25 WHERE id=1';   
    $statement = $dbh->prepare($sql); 
    echo $load;

it then refreshes the page, thats what the $load does. However that gets in the way of a music file I have playing in the background forcing it to restart everytime the database is updated.

I know you can use ajax/jquery to update the database without having to refresh the whole website but I have no ajax or jquery experience what so ever.

If its not too much work, if someone would be willing to code it for me, I will gladly pay for their time with paypal.
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