akasa 460w

12 Jul 2005

Ive fitted one of these PSUs and have some very strange goings on. Firstly the off button was actually on and then it changed to the opposite, then I cant get a POST screen up.

If this has taken my motherboard out can I get money back to compensate it or just for the faulty PSU? It will post up but I get no POST screen but the button changing from actual set to off was actually on and button set to on was actually off.

thanks for any help I am wondering if anyone else has had similar problems with this PSU.

Just bought this PSU and it was easy to install and fired everything up first time, very quietly, with good voltages and nice sheathed cables.

You'll do well proving that it a) took out your motherboard and b) it wasn't an installation error, so I seriously doubt you'll get any money back for your mobo (IF it is b0rked). The button being "on" is nothing for you as you should have checked.

My advice: first make sure your mobo is broken, by trying a new PSU for starters. Then RMA your mobo without telling them anything. Then RMA the PSU if it doesn't work properly.
thanks for the reply.

the button being on was actually it being off as the system wouldnt fire up when the button was on only when it was turned off. Then it changed the other way around on its own and only worked when it was on which is obviously right. Then the system doesnt POST. Ive had it POST once but the rest of the times I get no display so the processor definitely works still.

The motherboard is definitely dodgy now as the old PSU doesn't even work with it 19 times out of 20 it wont POST.

I will try rma'ing the PSU and motherboard.

I installed this PSU about 2 months ago and everything is perfect, did you plug in the 4-pin molex into the mobo? Checked all cables are in correct?IIIII
yeah I checked all of the connections and they were fine, finally managed to get the board back up after leaving it turned off for 2 hours, may just be a severe cold boot issue.
right, ive got the power supply working and have found out the problem.

If a keyboard or mouse is plugged in it wont POST yet when there are no PS/2 devices attatched it'll post and load windows but I cant plug either in whilst it is on as the system will lock up. Ive tried 3 different keyboards and mice and still get the same problem.

Has anyone seen anything like this before and know what causes it and how to fix it?

thanks for any help.
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I've looked closely at the PSU and it appears to have a pin missing, does anyone elses have a pin missing 3rd from the right at the top when the ATX connector is made into 20 pin? maybe this pin is needed to make the PS/2 devices work or something? does anyone know? I could have bought 10 of these generic 550w PSUs for the price of the Akasa and I cant get it to POST with the PS/2 devices attatched. Very strange problem.

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See this page for the pin outs on PSU's (don't say what they do tho)

People on the MSI forums had some grief with PS2 devices (keyboards I think)

Some mobos just didn't like some keyboards (Neo 2 platinum)

Is this mouse as well?
thanks for the link - looks like the missing pin is meant to be missing.

yeah, whenever a keyboard or mouse is plugged in it wont POST with the Akasa PSU and crashes if I plug either in when the system is on.

however, with the old generic 550w thats in there now I don't get this problem.

Try another keyboard?

Here is a thread on issues with PS2 devices.
I wonder if it has anything to do with the missing pin as you can bet that most of then used newer PSU's.
ive tried a different keyboard and it makes no odds. Thanks for the link, I didnt think anyone would have seen a similar problem to this. I'll probably end up buying a USB keyboard & mouse for it.
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