Akasa all-in-one

14 Jan 2006
Hi all hopeing you can help me with a bit of a problem im having!

I recently bought an akasa all in one front pannel, mainly for the fan controller and card reader, anyway it was all working fine then one day i boot up and windows says that the device has malfunctioned.
When i look at it in device manager it looks as though it has no drivers installed?

I can't seem to find my driver cd and dont seem to be able to find the drivers on the net either.

Hope you can help, thanks in advance!

welcome to the forums mate.
afaik you dont need any drivers for it - i certainly never used any when i fitted mine and it works fine. one of the connections maybe loose. try disconnecting them all and re attaching it, if that doesn't help rma it.
I stand corrected. just had a quick look in the box and there IS a cdrom. like i said though i have never used it and it works fine. i will upload the files to rapidshare tomorrow so you can give em a try anyhow.
That CD is for Win98 etc.
XP doesnt need drivers, it's automatic. Mine works perfectly & I didnt use any drivers. Do as above, unplug it all & plug it all back in :(
are you running XP?

as far as I remember, mine was detected automatically. I can't really see how the thing can malfunction to be honest as the card reader is just an internal USB connection and the fan connection is just for the motherboard to read the fan speed.

I'd go with RMAing it if checking the connections doesn't help. I'm thinking of doing the same with mine coz the SATA ports don't work.
Yes i am running XP and it did work automatically, but now it doesn't and windows says it has no drivers, i do have a cd but i lost it, thanks for uploading the drivers but i cant always download from rapidshare so would it be possible to upload somewhere else if they wont download?

Also i have tried disconnecting and reconnecting but that made no difference, is it still possible to rma as it was bought back in february?

Thanks for the advice!
yeah, it'll have at least 12 month warranty. get it sent back it sounds like its borked. check whether the place you bought it from will exchange it or whether you need to deal with akasa direct. I don't reckon those drivers will do jack as far as fixing your problem goes.
I couldn't download the drivers, it said download session invalid, so would it be possibe to reupload them to somewhere else like megaupload so i could atleast give them a try.

I should be able to atleast get it swapped for another one as this is my second one that i have had swapped as the first time i was sent the wrong colour one!!

Would apreciate it if you could reupload the drivers, thanks very much!
Sorry for the double post and if i seem to be a bit pushy but i would like to try and sort this out today so i can rma it tomorrow if necessay, so would it be possible for someone to reupload the drivers using a different host please.

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Shut down your pc & switch it off completly at the mains for about 30 secs.
The turn it back on & boot up.
It should work now, happened to me once or twice!
Thank you very much indeed kind sir :D
I will give them ago right away!

EDIT: Unfortunately i couldnt install mthe drivers because it says that you have to have the card reader plugged in to be able to do so and as windows doesnt recognise the card reader it doesn't think its plugged in.

no_1_dave said:
Shut down your pc & switch it off completly at the mains for about 30 secs.
The turn it back on & boot up.
It should work now, happened to me once or twice!

Did windows say your device had malfunctioned like mine?
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Well thanks for all the help guys, im going to take it to work today and try it in another machine and see what happens!

Thanks for all your imput!
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