AKASA Eclipse-62 + Tuniq Tower PCI Speed Controller

11 Jun 2005
I've seen on the product description that the AKASA Eclipse-62 has a from PCI slot... Was wondering if the Tuniq Tower PCI Speed Controller will fit in there, as the knob on it sticks out a bit... Will the hidden door on the AKASA still close with the Tuniqs speed controller fitted in this slot? :confused:

Thx for any help... :)
allllec said:
ive used this combo, you have to take the knob off totaly, install the pci plate, and put the knob on from the otherside of the chasis, the door closes perfectly, hope this helps
Not quite sure what you mean by that... Any chance of a picture... :)
lay-z-boy said:
take the fan controller, yank the black dial off it.

install the controller in the pci slot

put the plastic bezel front back on

now push the black dial back onto the potentiometer that is sitting in the small bay at the front.
Thx lay-z-boy... That makes more sense... :D
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