29 Aug 2007
Hello forums user (n+1)

Say, do you like waking up at all? Perhaps you have a job to go to (this is a joke, ha ha!) or an off license to open up or spend your pocket money in. Whatever your grand feats are, and they are many I know, but what is it that wakes you up? An alarm clock, a ring tone, a song, a partner, the kids?

This is mine and no, this is not a joke. You're too close.

Alarming (sorry)
If an alarm clock has to wake me up then I'm clearly being forced awake far too early vs being allowed to gracefully wake-up naturally and, as such, having been forced awake against my will, I believe that gives me the right to be a seriously unhappy, grumpy fellow for the rest of the day.

Luckily, with my many experiences in various war-zones, I've gained the almost supernatural ability to continue sleeping through almost every type of emergency alarm possible i.e. Rockets coming in = Nope, staying fast asleep...............Enemy Ground Attack = Meh, wake me when its over etc, so I have to use the medium of Song to activate my "best wake up them" response and, as such, I choose something calming like Cradle of Filth, Dimmu Borgir or even some old fashioned Cannibal Corpse to gently rouse me.
I have a gradually increasing volume on my phone alarm so I don't wake my wife up! I'd rather a physical alarm clock so I don't need to have my phone in the room, but I can't find a reasonably priced one that does something similar.
I wake up so many times in the night i just pick one of those where it seems a reasonable time to slide gently out of bed, i am back on the mouse wheel world of work again next week so will use a gently ascending phone alarm, i don't use the snooze function, just do coffee and news for an hour before i set off, its going to be a shock after 6 months
3 alarms on my phone with the final one needing to answer a maths question to switch it off
Then an alarm clock out of reach for the odd time when I accidentally answer the maths question in my sleep :(
I'm hard of hearing, so audible alarms don't wake me up.

Serious answer for me - a vibrating pad underneath my pillow from the RNID.

However, this is a Mags thread.

So my no serious answer - a short-circuited electric blanket wired up to 400 volts *shocking*
I have an actual alarm clock but its left switched off its far too complicated with 5 day alarm, 7 day alarm, 2 separate alarms per day and lord knows what else. I can't figure the bloody thing out even after studying the extensive manual it still fails to go off when I need it to. So I just use the alarm on the phone instead you just set the hour set it to active and thats it, on the hour it wakes me up. Nice simple reliable. Sometimes straightforward really is the best option.
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used to use a "sunrise alarm", but it woke the other half far earlier than me, so she wasn't happy. I've since just used the alarm on my smartwatch. It's meant to track sleeping patterns & wake me when I'm in a lighter sleep, but it never seemed to do this, so I just set it to the time I want now instead.
I bought an el cheapo ( though nice looking) regular beside clock that goes that usual " eep eep eep" Snooze button on top.

All phones over the years at some point didn't wake me up cause of some kind of bug/ update issue etc, sick of it.
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