Alarm immobilisers.

8 Jun 2004
Reigate surrey
What do you people think about having one of these fitted?
Ive just bought a Triumph Speedmaster, and the dealer said he would fit a Datatool system 4 red, for free.
My bike is kept outside under cover, and i must admit that now im a bit of a fair weather rider, im just a bit concerned about battery drain, although the unit does have a winter mode, where you can cut out the alarm and just have it immobilised.
Does an immobiliser drain the battery?
Yeah i have one of those to but a different brand.
I guess ill just stick it on winter mode, with the disc lock fitted outside my flat, its a good area and in a little gated community tucked away.
The alarm immobiliser will be handy though, when i take it out and park up.
Theres a lot of wrong uns about you know;)
there fine aslong as they dont go wrong,they can be a real pain to sort out

Yeah i heard that about the datatool 3 system, but the 4 is supposed to be pretty good.
It has a few options like the winter, and 3 different sleep modes ,and will only immobilise if you dont activate it with the key.
chain it to something solid,its easy to pick them up and sling em in the back of a transit van,alarm or no alarm

Good idea but i live in a flat with just a parking space out front, nothing to chain it too.
Yeah i know waht you mean about the back of the van jobbie, but all alarms etc, are really just a deterrant,still better to have one i guess?
yeah have one,surely theres some railings or buy a cheap cement in ground anchor? and chain it to that,id trust no one these days,chain it to metal posts when out n about too

Blimey i wish id never bought one now, i feel like hiring an armed guard?
Ill tell the dealer the deals off,lol
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Ive had a good think about it and rung the dealer to take it off before i pick it up tomorrow, ( there going to love me)been on a few forums and it seems more trouble than its worth
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