Album Artwork Dodgy on iPod Touch 2G

3 Jan 2006
Bishopsworth, Bristol
Hi Guys,

Did search the forum/web for this, but didn't come up with anything relevant.

Well, just got a new 32GB iPod Touch 2G, good piece of kit, getting to grips with it.

Now, the album artwork.. argh. I've tried getting iTunes to grab it for me of their servers, manually add it myself... but I get album covers all across my albums e.g. Kanye West's College Dropout album cover on a Disturbed album.. it's quite frustrating.

I've tried multiples time to get it to work.. even deleting music off the iPod and putting it back on...

So anyone, any help on this? Anyone with same issues?

If you have to use itunes you can get round this by manually selecting the cover image and adding. (Right click on song /album and select get info.
personally i use mediamonkey to do do it an it seems to work a lot better.
The newest version of mediamonkey will even synch your touch but i don't use it for this as it's my wifes Touch and thre's no point making life complicated for someone else.

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