Alcohol/Drinking related question.

19 Aug 2004
I don't drink alcohol personally, but I've noticed a certain attitude amongst drinkers related to how much alcohol people can 'handle' or consume before becoming 'drunk'. Basically it seems the more you can drink without becoming drunk the 'cooler' you are.

Someone who becomes drunk after consuming relatively small amounts of alcohol is branded a 'lightweight', they are often the subject of mocking and insults from other drinkers. Eg. "You got drunk after only 4 pints?! OMFG ROFLOL LIGHTWEIGHT!!!11oneone"

What I don't understand is WHY is being a 'lightweight' considered a bad thing? Surely it's BETTER in that you don't have to spend as much money on alcohol to become drunk? Or am I missing something here?
it's a 'rights of passage' thing.

traditionally what it comes down to is children get drunk very easily as they have a metabolism which isn't used to drinking, therefore any adult who gets drunk too quickly is looked at in the same way (by the majority of other drinkers at least).
You just condition your system to deal with it, the more your drink in small amounts regularly the easier your body can cope with a mass amount, at lesat I work that way anyhow.
Personally being 20 years old, I get drunk maybe around 5 or 6 pints, and I would be considered a lightweight. Thankfully my friends are actually my friends and therefore nothing is ever said, mainly because when I go out I generally drink 3 at the maximum as I hate being drunk.

I guess what seek said is very true in relation to teenage drinking and I wouldn't think it should happen so much as you get passed your teens.

And yeah, it is a hell of a lot cheaper this way if you are a so called 'lightwieght' :cool:
I think its down to the fact that you need a good few years of drinking to become a seasoned drinker, people who cant handle beer are often people who dont drink and there livers a fresh and unspoilt. :p

I dont make fun of people who get drunk easily, its what they are drinking I like to make fun of, my mate who is 20 wont drinks pints and all he drinks is kiddy pops.
Good you dont make fun of him due to his inability to handle large volumes of alchohol like yourself.

Although it could be that he actually prefers the taste of alco-pops over beer, I've heard that a glucose induced throat helps to stop a cold from starting......

.... well i heard it from a drunk woman once.. so source is unreliable.
Yeah, I have only just turned 18 and when I was 15 - 17 I wasn't one for going down to the Park to drink White Lightening or going into Town to try and get into Bar's etc then try to get served.

It was about a Year ago, me and a few Friend's went down the Pub before a Leicester game, had a few Drink's then went onto the Game.
As I wasn't used to the amount of Lager I had drank (7 Pints) I was swaying all over.
Got into the Game, after a hour I was "ejected" lolol
Went into School the next day, the word had got around I was ejected for being Drunk and everyone was having a good laugh.
Few people asked how many Pint's I had, told them and one lad was like
"My Sister can drink more than that and she's only 16"
I thought it was an inappropraite comment thats all lol

Thanks for your time :)
stevechapman said:
haha, all I am really bothered about is Carling/Budweiser
Few Pint's then a nice Kebab
i'm from leicester and tbh i couldnt name anywhere you could get a nice kebab! :p

the best used to be that place near the train station, i think it was called 'caspians' or something. the kebab was fairly generic, but they served them with a couple of really delicious spicey potato's. :D

if you want a really good kebab you need to come to soton for a radjani's. or go to the 'curry mile' in manchester :D

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aix0 said:
Do you want me to pass your slippers? :p

HAHA not yet :)

seek - I will be starting going out in Leicester soon as I am going to Uni there, as you may remember from a previous thread, so if I come across any nice Kebab places, I'l give you a shout :)
There's a nice place in Loughborough called Efe's (its on the corner, to the right of McDonalds, when your looking at it from face on), very nice Kebab's.
Do you know where I mean?
cheets64 said:
my mate who is 20 wont drinks pints and all he drinks is kiddy pops.

I don't care for beer much. I prefer whiskey, or pepsi. A friend of mine calls whiskey a "girl's drink" for some reason. It's very wierd coming from him, since he's almost drunk on a baccardi breezer. (now i know the therad is against this kind of thing, but seriously, a breezer is just juice and soda :p)
MiGSY said:
What I don't understand is WHY is being a 'lightweight' considered a bad thing? Surely it's BETTER in that you don't have to spend as much money on alcohol to become drunk? Or am I missing something here?

If you are a lightweight then you will be drunk before your mates and may end up going home before them. I've taken the mickey out of my mates before for the amount they have drunk and what they drink but it is always done in jest and they give the same back. I'm more likely to pick up on the fact that someone hasn't bought a drink back, this is another problem if you are in a round system and you cannot handle the same capacity of alcohol as your mates, one or other of you will usually end up feeling short-changed.

Drinking a lot doesn't make you hard and is nothing particular to be proud of, it basically seems to have a lot to do with genetics so outside of my good mates I am unlikely to mention the amount anyone drinks because in that case we know better than to take each other seriously. Is it possible that you were misinterpreting a bit of banter between friends and thinking it was more of a competition than it really was?
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