Alice in Borderland (Netflix)

Them just brushing off being shot like it was a scratch did make me feel cheated
I thought the same as I watched it, firstly oh wow, they are killing off so many of the characters in the last episode and then suddenly loads of them are still alive after been peppered with machine gun fire from close range. But then as it became apparent that they were all in the borderland after all temporally dying in the real world, it sort of made sense. The people who died in the borderland world were those who just gave up on life and this lot werent ready to give up on life and wanted to live which was more powerful than getting shot numerous times or cutting your wrists. I actually thought it was quite clever after earlier almost switching it off with people still living when they should be long dead.

Chishiya was my favourite character, i loved how he worked out some of the thinking games.
Must get around to carrying on with this.

Roughly, the furthest I can recall I've got to is...
when they were running along a tunnel,
and decide to go back for one man stranded on the bus.
I just finished this today, really good show, especially recommend it if you like stuff like Squid Game.

The ending was a great conclusion as well.

I'll miss the adventures of Arisu and crew.
By my understanding this covers the whole of the main manga series. Any continuation could severely go off-script and mess it up. I'd like it to end as it did rather than spoil what came before it myself!
yeah I agree, they could maybe do a one off feature length episode with the Joker
Despite starting this thread I finally got round to actually watching it! My first thought is that season 2 really does head straight on from 1 and with a not very good recap. I had to look up who all the characters were and exactly what had happened to them. Overall I think season 2 was good, the games were a lot of fun. It was a bit 'anime' at times, a lot of characters dying but not before they've finished their 20 mins monologue. The last two episodes I thought were a real let down although I liked the actual ending. The last episodes were about 2 and a half hours in length but in reality it was about 45 mins of plot but everything happened soooooo slowly.
Finally got round to watching it after having this on my list for 2+ years. Binged the whole thing in a few days

I really enjoyed the show. I quite liked the characters and the games were really interesting. Felt a bit cheated with Jack of hearts game as it seems like there were clues not available to the viewer to solve the case. The midpoint in queen of hearts game was really good. The king of spades was a menance and I loved it.
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