In some of more lucid moments I've often sat and pondered just what year(s) the Alien movies are set in. We know Aliens took place 57 years after the first fil and Alien Resurrection 200 years after that with Alien 3 (presumably) not long after Aliens. I've read the books but they don't offer much of a clue. If I had to hazard a guess, I would say Alien is late 21st Century, possibly early 22nd Century if only because the tech (other than cryosleep and presumably FTL drive) are not that advanced to what we have now. Indeed, in Aliens there are no super beam weapons or phasers etc. which one might have expected to exist in (say) the 2400's or 2500's.
Then again in Alien 3, one of the convicts hums a song with the lyrics, "In the year 2510."
If anyone has some thoughts on the issue I'd like to hear them.
Then again in Alien 3, one of the convicts hums a song with the lyrics, "In the year 2510."
If anyone has some thoughts on the issue I'd like to hear them.