Alienware Announces 240 Hz Gaming Monitors

25 Nov 2011
As for the specifications: both of these displays operate at 240 Hz, native, not overclocked. To achieve this rate, its panel is 24.5-inch, 1080p, and TN. The structure itself has a thin bezel on the top, left, and right side, although the bottom has a bit more thickness for the Alienware typeface logo and buttons. Despite being otherwise identical, the G-Sync model (AW2518H) has an MSRP of $699.99, while the FreeSync model (AW2518HF) is $200 cheaper at $499.99. Both models launch on June 13th.

I thought about one but my problem is motion blur is still an issue at 240hz grr and the most ULMB seems to do is 144hz. I have to admit my peen did wave a bit when i thought about DSR 3840x2160 @ 240hz but its probably not worth it at all even if it would be everything you could ever want but in a TN with some blur. It has pretty much every other box ticked the resolution is not as issue with 4x 0% smoothing in a 24 inch i can attest to that. Colour also gets sampled 4 times when you DSR 4K so it is just the weird motion blur it would be like playing every game with it ticked compared to ULMB it seems.

You can see here 240hz v ULMB a little smudged so if that is not an issue it still looks a good screen, But the Asus is the best thanks to the adjustments.
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