Squiffy, while you do know your stuff, can you PLEASE stop saying to people, not enough, spend 2k... when the budget is £150.
Give advice, not useless info.
Fair enough, it wont buy you a good system, but it will buy A system, and if he is happy with it, who are you to say its not "good". Its all subjective.
As i said before, if he just watches the odd dvd, and wants sound from behind him, a philips £120 speaker set, and a £60 upscaling tosh DVD player will do the job he requires.
Your methodology is the same as someone asking for a cheap pc to run MS word, and speccing them SLI setups and SCSI hard drives...
If he's bothered enough to need seperates, he KNOWS he wants seperates, not an all in one setup. If this thread was "I have a £1500 budget, recommend me some gear", your advice applies, but not here im afraid
Some people dont want, need or can't afford the best gear, and are happy to settle for a cheap system from the high street. I think it will be single percents of people who spend thousands on hi-fi gear tbh, as most people simply don't get enough use to warrant the massive expenditure.