All-Seeing Eye

29 Dec 2003
Newcastle upon Tyne
I have been a big fan of The All-Seeing Eye for years now but lately it has been slightly pants, I think its mainly due to the fact Yahoo! bought it. Anyway, I am having a few problems with it at the moment...

Battlefield 2: Since last night I now have only NINE servers in the UK Server List, the only filters I have on are Western Europe/United Kingdom and Ranked. If I untick Ranked I do get some more unranked servers, but obviously not the amount that used to be there! Have EA blocked Yahoo's scanners ports, or is it my computer/connection to blame? - I will note that all other games are fine, CS:S etc all have the same amount of servers as it used to.

Battlefield 2, Problem 2: It will no longer auto-launch BF2 in to games. ASE used to do this when I first started playing BF2, but recently I came back to the game and found that when I click on a BF2 server in ASE, it takes me into BF2 but just to the login screen and nowhere else!

This could just be that EA are screwing over Battlefield 2 but I was hoping for some input :) Has anyone experienced anything similar? Also, are there any alternatives to The All-Seeing Eye?


Use the ingame filters in BF2. That way you know you are seeing all games servers. Only time i ever use 3rd party browsers are for games that are modded or dont have out of the game multiplayer (such as MTA) :)
ASE doesnt work with BF2 now at all , it would work if yahoo released an update but i wouldnt count on that , i too have used ASE for years and im gutted i can no longer use it with BF2 , i switched to qtracker the other day and its ok , not as good as ASE but works with BF2 if you set it up right

google it :)

EDIT: btw the servers u can see on ASE now have not updated to 1.3 yet thats why u can still ping them , all the other that have updated should show as 9999 now
Thanks for the help :)

I am running Qtracker at the moment, it is pretty good but its not a touch on ASE :( at least this has a development team now! Does anyone run GameSpy Arcade? If you do, any chance you could send me some screenshots please? Also, what are the filters like? Can you filter down to United Kingdom etc?


I haven't used ASE for over a year now (it's kinda old) Xfire is where it's at for me, Use it with all my online games and it's brilliant :)

Give it a try!
For BF2 I just rob the server ip from ASE or just go directly into the game browser and pick a server, it's about the only game that doesn't work with it that I have.

Other than that it's been ace for years now. The filters and the speed really are for the win.
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