All the gear, some idea but no idea where to start!

18 Oct 2002
As I added in the willy waving thread, I have upgraded my kit from a 550D with kit lens and nifty fifty to a 60D. By way of background, the 550D was bought to take pictures of my boy before he was born as photography is something that has always interested me.

The 550D served us well, it was taken in to the operating theatre when my son was born which led to a great video of his first few moments and some pictures the midwive took of our new family (even with live view she chopped by head off in nearly every picture!). I used the camera infrequently but we have some fantastic pictures, it was always something that I thought was under utilised, time and inspiration was always the issue.

So I upgraded to the 60D for no real reason, if only to make myself guilty having something of value sitting there and not being used. I've done my research and added both a Tamron 17-50mm non-vc and Sigma 30mm 1.4 which seem a good combo and upgrade to the kit lens. I've thrown a fair bit of money towards the body and lenses lately and now I need to justify having this over a £100 point and shoot camera.

I feel I have a good handle on the technical and theory side of things and have nearly finished understanding exposure by Brian Peterson which was very helpful. My real issue is finding time and inspiration to use it. I'll naturally take pictures of my son growing up but I want more from it having seen the quality of the pictures on both this and other forums. I'm not the most creative person but I find the idea of capturing moments and memories really appealing.

A lot of background but I guess my question boils down to how I can take the next steps to becoming a better photographer. I know the issue is time and bothering to getting it out and about. Other people must be in the same situation as myself and have managed to overcome these issues to ensure that photography becomes a hobby that just happens as part of every day life?
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