All these games platforms

11 Jun 2003
There's a plethora now, Origin, Ubi, Microsoft store, and whilst I don't mind incentivising their use with exclusive content or gear, I really loathe being forced to install and run every individual platform just to play a game.

So much so that I've boycotted every game that doesn't let me use GOG or Steam and that includes that stupid Ubi login that goes with Steam.

So am I a lone grumpity curmudgeon or does anyone else feel similarly? Should we stand for being forced into different platforms?
No, why give Steam more of a monopoly than they already have? Steam's customer service is dire, and it was even worse before the likes of Origin.

I'm definitely up for competition, and as it happens I try use GOG wherever possible, I prefer their ethics, pricing and actually owning my game.

It's the notion that I'm forced to use these platforms if I want to play particular games that really grinds my gears.

Paul, couldn't agree more. I've always found Steam absolutely excellent, and I will never, regardless of how badly I want to play a game, buy anything on the Windows Store.
GOG seem ethical on the face of it but they do have a few problems.

One of them is pressuring developers to give them exclusive DRM Free distribution.

I find it funny that a lot of the GOG users say "Steam have a monopoly, blah blah blah" yet forget that GOG are forging their own monopoly on DRM Free distribution and it is largely going unnoticed.

Pressuring companies so I actually own my game isn't something I'll be complaining about any time soon.

Surprised how vehement the 'everything is fine!' camp is! Didn't say I love steam, or their practices, or monopoly. What I don't like is how publishers refuse to put their games on the most popular platforms and instead force us to use yet another different one if we want to play a title.

I use plenty of other sites to buy my keys, but I want them available on the most popular platforms.
What I was saying is that GOG pressure developers to NOT put their game DRM free anywhere else which is in effect limiting how you own your game.

The DRM free market should expand but GOG are restricting that at the moment.

Not good :(

Oh sorry, I misunderstood. I see your point if this is indeed the case!

I have watched interviews with Gabe in the past where he has said that he would prefer a system where you purchase a game and the user chooses where you redeem it. That is the way forward in my opinion but with everything being so fragmented at the moment, will be a while.

Couldn't agree more.

I think that unfortunately most people mistake this stance as being one of loyalty to Steam. It isn't, but they were there first and I've been using them since they created the platform. I have a lot of games on Steam and also a larger friends list within so why should I have to use something else when Steam does it properly and perfectly? The other platforms are, to be blunt, rubbish in comparison.

So to echo your sentiment of "don't let the door hit you on the way out", I won't. I will, however, exercise my right to vote with my feet and not support their platform because I just don't like it and don't feel that it's necessary.

Beautifully put. Exactly this.
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It's necessary because otherwise every developer is handing over 30% of their GROSS revenue to Valve Corporation.

It's not good for the consumer or developers for one company to be creaming such a massive slice of money from the industry.

Do you think each developer should have their own platform then? And we have to split our friends lists and games (and hard drive space) between what, 5, 10 platforms?
The future is a shared API with customers choosing the platform they prefer.

I certainly hope so, but I find it unlikely.

I would rather have all the games available on a single platform, or even better a select few platforms, than be forced to use individual platforms for each developer.
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