All welcome me to the fold

26 Dec 2005
Purchased a new aluminium macbook today after city link managed to lose the dell i bought off the MM.

Unfortunatey i ran into a problem using bootcamp and ive had to reinstall.

It got me thinking though, is there any real benefit to bootcamp for what ill use it for? Its for browsing, email, a bit of Warcraft, music and thats it.

I have to say though, the screen is fantastic on it, so vibrant and the laptop feels great, after my dell 1730xps i had, its light as a butterfly.
Yeh I knew about WOW, i couldnt really see any reason to stick windows on it, ive spent the night trying to get to grips with everything. I do love the battery life, its what a laptop should be, after using dells for years and having about a 2 hour maximum, this has been going strong over 4 hours now.

Really impressed and loving the trackpad gestures.
If i was to upgrade the hard drive, is it sata or ide? (im guessing sata). Whats involved in doing this, can i just drop in a 500gb sata one or are there particulars one that have to be used?
Thanks for the hints, im just going to stick with osx, im starting to feel my way around, i still have my media centre pc and my wife has a netbook if windows is really needed for anything at home.

I was hoping it played WOW well but i was surprised just how well it handles it, 50-60 fps with most detail on, just takes a while to get used to playing it on a 13.3" screen!
Im a few days in now, and really loving the mac, as a laptop its fantastic, its light, its got really long battery life, i can control everything with one hand and laze back comfortably.

The only downside is im regretting now not going for a macbook pro and 15.4" one, im finding 13.3 a wee bit small to play wow on, although it does run great.
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