Alliance the silent war

29 May 2005
I just seen this from booth on gamespot omg at the graphics. :eek:

Some little points

* You can choose from 200 guns

* Multiplayer you can do World war vs Navy Seals also many other era vs each other.

* Bullets drop if they go over distance (first time in a game) they are all accurately correct aswell.

Check out the gameplay video wow :cool:
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Ye check some of the movies and screenshots awesome. :)

Its being made by Independant developer been kept under closed doors but oh my does it look nice. :)
Skully said:
I'm sure he means it isn't the first time in a game.

Which it isn't.

What other games has the bullet dropped if they go over there distance then. ?

I only said that because the person in the gamespot video said it i guess im wrong in that case sorry.

Unless i got mixed up with 200 weapons in game think thats a first for an fps. :)
Battlefield 1942
Operation Flashpoint
Red Orchestra
Counter-Stike (at extreme distances)
all the Ghost Recon games
all the Hitman games
all the Raven Shield games
HL2's crossbow
Painkillers steak gun
Sniper elite
JFK reloaded
Silent storm (?)

Bullet drop/ ballistic physics in games is OLD.

Also: Silent Storm had 74 Guns. + melee weapons, panzerklien weapon grenades, mines and tools. I think that might be up to around 150ish.

Operation flashpoint has 100's of guns with all its expacks and the ammount of user mods taken as "must haves" to 99% of servers I'd say it tops 500+ easy.
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I see quite a few must have been the 200 weapons in game first time for first person shooter i misheard.

These are different weapons from different eras though ie bolt action world war all the way up to modern day.

Still cant take away potential of the game being able to fight different era and photo realistic graphics. :)
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