Allowing recording of video from webcam?

20 Sep 2003
Hi Folks,

I am looking for a way to allow users to record a short video clip using their webcam, for example 5 mins. I am thinking there must be a way to allow the user to record the video on their client machine and then its uploaded to the server?

I did find this but it seems to only take stills, can anyone help have something exactly like in the link but for recording video?

Looking at the code I see a lot of JS but is ther anyway I can grab the required code?

And how does it record, does it record to the server oir client PC , then upload?

Would love to get a hold of the code and play with it.
Well 2 minutes or maybe even 1 minute would be enough, the idea is to make the user sell themseves to the camera. So the shorter the better as it would foprce them not to ramble.
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