Almost bought a XB1 for GOW

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A answer would be nice:rolleyes:

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Date Tuesday Sep 15, 2015 21:07
Order ID: 146575

Items bought
Gears of War x 1 £11.33 GBP
Payment type: PayPal
Total £11.33 GBP
All prices are inclusive of applicable taxes and fees

Product Code for Gears of War
See attachment (Gears_of_War_cd_key.png)
This game uses the GFWL platform.
1. Download The Game
2. Install with password: h8thm8nhg4h6xwng583gzwbq357g4nf
3. Download and install the patch.


4. !!!! IMPORTANT !!!!
How to install the patch:
Download it from the link above (gow_update).
Place the patch in the Binaries folder and execute to install (NOT in GOW_Installer folder!!!).
By default the Binaries folder is located here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Gears of war\Binaries\
Or C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Gears of war\Binaries\
Play the game with launching startup.exe.
If you encounter an error while launching the game please delete "Gears of war for windows" folder
From your "Documents\My Games" folder.
5. Enjoy your game!

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For assistance please visit our GFWL Activation Guide.

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The rest of his post, with the exception of "a offline profile" instead of "an offline profile" seems ok and doesn't suggest dyslexia at all. As FrenchTart says, this gets said everytime someone that hasn't taken the time to correct what they're writing is pulled up for it, and it is unreasonable to assume that every single one of those people suffer from dyslexia.

OK quick Q or should I say question?? was that too many ???

back in the day e-mail was like that but now it's email??
There used to be one space after a full stop now's there's two. You are not old enough to judge me. Remember Winchester cabs? I do.
Where I come from and where I am right now, there are never two spaces after a full stop. I think you're confusing the option to add a fullstop to your sentence on an iPhone.

And I wasn't born in this country, so I wouldn't remember Winchester cabs. I don't quite see how that's relevant to be honest. Poor spelling is a product of the younger generation of today, brought on by laziness and disrespect for the English language. I don't fall into that category, and if you're saying I'm not old enough to judge you then you obviously don't either, even though you can't possibly know how old I am. Regardless, you're clearly indicating that you're old, so you have no valid excuse for the incorrect use of the word "brought".

If you read I was drunk, you wouldn't be asking me this! I am a 60's child And I have seen the changes in English. I was born here but I rememberäyhä What has that got to do where you have been born. Please stop this **** all I did was ask a question, wrong I can admit but just a question. There is no reason to attack a person on this forum for bad English. Get a life. I have one with a Swedish speaking Fin. I made her wait 10 years before marrying her. She had to know me. All my bad moods. Everything. Now considering I am on 31K with my bad "English" trust me and I will send you my email address as I am doing support UK government. This is NO boast but to let you know I have worked for Natwest, MS, Reuters, Citybank, Bartclays, etc. Can you get the message I was Drunk? And yes I am on holiday so drunk again.:(
Bored? I am.
So... Is GoW HD or whatever it is called actually any good? I have the original original on 360 and can't seem to get into it as the game starts with zero story or context for why I'm in prison shooting dudes.

I have them all on 360 but the PC version is wicked. Will try the GOW3 tomorrow will let you know. 1 has popping issues on Xbox 360:rolleyes:
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