I have updated the br script to work with boinc 4.2 , it follows the same logic as the old one.
To get it to work you need to create a directory called c:\br and make sure the following files are inside.
account*.xml (one or more of your own account files)
boinc.exe }
msvcr71.dll } get these 3 from a boinc 4.2x install
msvcp71.dll }
remote_hosts.cfg }
regini.exe }
sc.exe } these are all inside the rar
boinc.reg.txt }
pcnames.txt }
br4.2.bat }
The old commands of Install, Remove , Start,Stop, have been working ok for me.
I have also added the following
GUI this uses the same principal as the standard install command , but instead of setting up a service it does a normal gui install and puts shortcuts in both the startup folder and the programs folder. (very limited testing of this function so far)
(you need to add boincmgr.exe and boinc.dll to the br folder for this to work)
This will remove all the files from as gui install (does not have to have been installed via a br script) EXCEPT for the account*.xml's , client state , global preferences and it also leaves the projects and slots sub directories intact.
(in short any part done or pending wu's are left in place , where as remove did remove everything)
This is like the above command , but for a service install.
After running one of the UPGRADE commands , you can then run either INSTALL or GUI to install the latest version , this way no work or pending work should be lost.
Its only had basic testing so far , so you would be well advised to make a backup before trying it !!!
When I get up, I will work on it some more .
I have updated the br script to work with boinc 4.2 , it follows the same logic as the old one.
To get it to work you need to create a directory called c:\br and make sure the following files are inside.
account*.xml (one or more of your own account files)
boinc.exe }
msvcr71.dll } get these 3 from a boinc 4.2x install
msvcp71.dll }
remote_hosts.cfg }
regini.exe }
sc.exe } these are all inside the rar
boinc.reg.txt }
pcnames.txt }
br4.2.bat }
The old commands of Install, Remove , Start,Stop, have been working ok for me.
I have also added the following
GUI this uses the same principal as the standard install command , but instead of setting up a service it does a normal gui install and puts shortcuts in both the startup folder and the programs folder. (very limited testing of this function so far)
(you need to add boincmgr.exe and boinc.dll to the br folder for this to work)
This will remove all the files from as gui install (does not have to have been installed via a br script) EXCEPT for the account*.xml's , client state , global preferences and it also leaves the projects and slots sub directories intact.
(in short any part done or pending wu's are left in place , where as remove did remove everything)
This is like the above command , but for a service install.
After running one of the UPGRADE commands , you can then run either INSTALL or GUI to install the latest version , this way no work or pending work should be lost.
Its only had basic testing so far , so you would be well advised to make a backup before trying it !!!
When I get up, I will work on it some more .