Alpine 3.21.0 released

18 Aug 2007
For those of us running servers (or really cool desktops :p), Alpine have just released 3.21.0. Highlights include:

Alpine said:
  • Linux kernel 6.12
  • GCC 14
  • LLVM 19
  • Node.js (lts) 22.11
  • Rust 1.83
  • Crystal 1.14
  • GNOME 47
  • Go 1.23
  • KDE Plasma 6.2
  • LXQt 2.1
  • PHP 8.4
  • Qt 6.8
  • Sway 1.10
  • .NET 9.0

I've upgraded our local servers (2x DNS, 1x WireGuard, 1x Docker host and 1x Hyper-V sandbox) and it's all smooth sailing. Note you'll need to restart sshd due to a version upgrade, but this time there's a script in the APK upgrade to prompt you. Since the new release includes a new kernel, it's moot as you'll probably want to do sync; reboot straight away anyway.

<3 Alpine.

The thing with Phoronix users is that it's always hard to tell if they are serious or trolling.
Near spat out my brandy, then I realised you are quoting someone on there. :cry:
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