ALRIGHT no digital

23 May 2005
Auckland, New Zealand
Ok am I the only one here it seems that hasn't caught on to the whole digital thing yet?

The reason I don't use the photography part of these forums is simply because all I see here is talk about digital cameras and no one ever mentions film.

I prefer film and I'm not going to go into why. I also don't want to start a big debate.

I just want to know who is with me?

even if you use both?

joe :)

*takes cover

you know i was actually scared? only a few of my closest friends don't slate me for not using digital.

Granted, digital has its advantages but film requires more skill :p

Hides again!
hoodmeister said:
I'm really starting to get into using both. I process my own film.

I would like to start shooting medium format, too - but that won't be for a little while.

medium format is so good. Its as easy to develop as standard 35mm film. is it just because medium format cameras tend to be pretty expensive? Unfortunately I'm out of the darkroom because my new flat is too small to have one. I think one of my friends just set up one though so i might go over to his sometime.

Anyone here into super8?
I use a cannon EOS 3000 and a holga and mess around with old cameras my dad gave me. my favourite was a perfect condition Agfa Isolette 1 (medium format) but it got stolen :(. also have a couple of brownies and an old (60s looking) epson compact. I also like to play around with my super 8 camera although its expensive - £12 for 50' and you have to send it to sweeden or something to develop it these days.

anyone looking at developing you should really have a go, its amazing. i've never tried colour developing but black and white is brilliant.

Also, whos ever made a pinhole camera? its great when you get photos you can actually make out with them :)
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