altering textmate bundles?

19 Oct 2002
hi guys...

i'm a big fan of textmate i think its really awesome, but there are a couple of changes i'd like to make in the bundles:

1) HTML -> Entities -> Convert Character to Entities

- this shortcut just doesnt work for me, it is supposed to be cmd+& which is assume is cmd+shift+7 but it does nothing, so want to change the shortcut if possible as i use this all the time, but no shortcuts that i set work it ONLY works through the menu :confused:

2) next up is HTML tidy, while i find this really useful there is a niggle... whenever you tidy, if looses any element codes like & for example gets converted to just & and • gets converted to • which is no good and actually stops me using the tidy feature...

is it possible to sort these things?
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with regards to number 1, i have messed about with the bundles so much i would actually like to reset the whole lot (bundles and shortcuts) before i continue messing, anyone know how to do this?
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To reset the bundles open up ~/Library/Application SUpport/Textmate/Bundles/ And remove the files in there corresponding to the edited bundles that you want to fix. As edited bundles etc are created in there and override the defaults.

All bundles editing is done though the bundle editor.

To reset the bundles open up ~/Library/Application SUpport/Textmate/Bundles/ And remove the files in there corresponding to the edited bundles that you want to fix. As edited bundles etc are created in there and override the defaults.

All bundles editing is done though the bundle editor.

brilliant thanks :)
I replied to your previous TextMate thread stating that the shortcut works for me. I suggest you email the developers of the application since you bought it and they should provide support to you. They will reply to you fairly quickly as I have emailed them before :)
developer. singular, not plural.


I believe there is an active support community around textmate, check out Although if he has been editing bundles without fully realising what he's been doing, then the error is likely to be with his settings.
developer. singular, not plural.


I believe there is an active support community around textmate, check out Although if he has been editing bundles without fully realising what he's been doing, then the error is likely to be with his settings.
no no, it was not working which is why i started fiddling ;)
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