alternative news sources

6 Feb 2009
i just wondered if anyone knew of any independent or underground news sources. the issue i have with the mainstream press is that stories more critical to everyday life are often overshadowed by stories that have no significance, e.g. the latest sex tape scandal gets more air-time than a massive change in legislation.

doesn't matter what form it comes in (forums, newsgroups, rss) but as long as it's reliable and uncensored, i think we'll all be better off.

You'll find a lot of 'underground' news sources are there to cater for conspiracy nutters and/or minority far left or far right groups.....

If you want a good news source then try - you won't find many celebrity stories there and it is about as reliable as you're going to get anywhere else. (does have a finance focus but also covers general news, politics, sport etc.. too if you scroll down)
You'll find a lot of 'underground' news sources are there to cater for conspiracy nutters and/or minority far left or far right groups.....

If you want a good news source then try - you won't find many celebrity stories there and it is about as reliable as you're going to get anywhere else. (does have a finance focus but also covers general news, politics, sport etc.. too if you scroll down)

But if your intelligent you can work out whats bull and whats not surely?
i mean, i use slashdot, cos its user-edited, hence if its relevant, its on there with a discussion sometimes from really clever people. are there any sites like that at all?
I'd suggest Reuters. There's less "added flavour" to the news there.

However there isn't a real solution. Your news has to come from a source, and all of that is done by mainstream news companies. Much of that information is shared between them. Any news that doesn't come from mainstream news companies directly is coming from them indirectly.

Personally I like my news as undigested as possible. I use Reuters and FT at work to keep up with things. And I read the Telegraph and the Guardian to see their slant on it.

But you simply just have to realise that no matter where your news comes from it's been pre-digested and prioritised. If you don't like that then all you can do is shop around until you find a source that prepares the news in a way you like.
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