Alternative sides - no potato!

29 Dec 2009
What alternative sides would you use if you were trying to stay away from potato? So no chips / mashed potato etc.

I made ratatouille the other day and that was bloody fantastic. Ill deffo start using that as a different side. Much healthier too.

Trying to be a bit more creative too by not just having boiled veg!
mashed veg is great.
things like squash
or things like swede and carrot.

Also selection of roast veg, being sparse with oil.
Are you trying to limit carbs/calories specifically or just trying to be more diverse.

Also love roast courgetes. thinly slice to long, wide, thin sections. Rub in some harrisa paste , extra chilli flaxes and a little olive oil then roast for probably 15-20mins.

Both. The missus and I have recently moved in together, and ive decided to really brush up on my culinary skills. Also ive been out of the gym for about 6 months and put on a few pounds. Going to start up again now we have settled down, but I need to really cut down on the carbs.

Does anyone remember that epic thread on sprouts btw? Need to find it, that had some epic ways of cooking them :)
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