Alternative to 32" iMac?

20 Feb 2011
With no 32" iMac apparently arriving any time soon, I was thinking about picking up a Mac Mini and mounting it on the back of a decent 32" monitor. An alternative is get a good dock for my MBP M1.

The sticking point for me due to lack of knowledge is the actual monitor to get. I currently have a 27" 5K iMac so the screen has to be of similar quality and have a good high resolution of say 6K or even 8K. Any suggestions/ comments?

PS no budget at the moment. I can't imagine there will be anything cheaper than £1k available anyway so just crack on.
The 27" LG Ultrafine 5K was always the "retina" go-to when compared to the 27" iMac (could be wrong but possibly the same panel), so it might be worth looking at the 32" variants (32UL950 etc) albeit they're 4K not 5K.

Worth pointing out that some manufactures were seeing issues with the Mini M1 and some of their monitors/models, ie - flickering being reported on some Dell monitors etc; so it's worth doing a bit of a Google before purchasing.
Unless you’re happy to take a big hit in pixel count I would simply wait. If you’re current machine isn’t dead I’m sure you can hang on until the larger iMac arrives.
Unless you’re happy to take a big hit in pixel count I would simply wait. If you’re current machine isn’t dead I’m sure you can hang on until the larger iMac arrives.

There was/is reports that a new mini m1x is coming out soon as well, which should fix some of the issues with monitors.

I’d hold off regardless. :D

Voices of reason… I don’t have patience for voices of reason :D I’m waiting till September is over in case Apple springs any surprises either an iMac or the M1X Mini.
The Huawei Mateview is a 28” 4k monitor. I would still wait.

I have this mateview preorders were sent early, it’s a very nice monitor bright and great aspect ratio. With the current preorder deal with £200 cash back and an additional item (I picked the speaker), plus 10% complete savings discount. I am getting it for £250 after I sold the speaker. Absolute steal.
The Huawei Mateview is a 28” 4k monitor. I would still wait.

This looks right up your alley, it looks like an interesting screen.

I have this mateview preorders were sent early, it’s a very nice monitor bright and great aspect ratio. With the current preorder deal with £200 cash back and an additional item (I picked the speaker), plus 10% complete savings discount. I am getting it for £250 after I sold the speaker. Absolute steal.

Please post a review when you get it, I'm not convinced it's going to be super amazing, but it certainly looks nice.
This looks right up your alley, it looks like an interesting screen.

Please post a review when you get it, I'm not convinced it's going to be super amazing, but it certainly looks nice.

l had it delivered on Thursday. The panel is very nice, clean, super bright. I won’t be doing a review, there is plenty online.
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