Alternative to an XFI?

29 Jul 2003

I have an 8800gts and it doesnt like my xfi whatever i try so im looking for a new card, could someone recommend something that has good ingame sound and decent music playback

i have an 8800 gts and xfi extreme music no problems here
i'd get an audigy 2 zs £10-£15 second hand.
Aside from the older Creative cards (Audigy 2 & 4) you're not going to get any EAX effects higher than EAX2.0 in games so you're a bit stuck when it comes to gaming. The Auzentech cards have good sound quality, but are a bit on the pricey side and not great for games.
gamer_boy said:
What do you mean by, it doesn't like your X-Fi?

Its probably more a game problem, seems ok in TW 07, FEAR and a few other games but the game i spend most of my time on (WoW) i get bad fan noise from the 8800, its a known problem and no fix at the moment that ive found.
is your sound card right next to the gpu? if so try moving it
and god knows what u mean by bad fan noise i presume you mean the fan speeds up because its running hot?
Sounds like a game issue rather than hardware to me
if it's fine in some games then how could it be hardware makes no sense.
Well - about to find out if I have the issue. If you read the thread from creatives forums it is from more than 1 game. As far as why the problem isnt always there - could be simple as when in windows the 3d aspects of both cards arent being used (no EAX and no Direct3d/OpenGL overlay) so parts of both cards wont be being used. Once you game you use full capabilities so more chance for conflict. Im speculating but it does make sense.
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