Alternatives to VLC?

26 Feb 2004
Hampshire, England.
Hey guys,

Just checking, but is there anything better than vlc (x64) in use at the moment?

Nothing against vlc really, just like to feel like I have my finger on the pulse :D
Daum PotPlayer. Been using it (and its predecessor KMPlayer) Since Vista.

It's got VLC's raw compatibility but is far more flexible and has many more options for the tinkerers. That said but I just keep the stock options except for changing the skin (BlackBox3) and ticking the option to resume videos from where they left off.
Hmm might give that a go, ive been using VLC player as long as i can remember so a change might be nice.
MPC-BE is the daddy. You'll need to have an up to date Directx 9 install too.

Google 'dxwebsetup' and it will sort it out for you.
Some of these players bundle crap with the installer. Be careful, even if the default choice isn't opt-in.

MPC-HC is always a safe bet.
Just grabbed MPC after reading this thread. Will try tonight. First impressions are good. Seems to be well featured, lots of options.
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