Aluminum Macbook memory upgrade. Which?



17 Apr 2003
Hello all

Got myself the latest Macbook, what brand of memory would be best compatible or work better?
The crucial brand or go for the ocz brand as in this link which i think would be best. OCZ
I bought crucial brand ram for my iMac in the 4Gb but i had lots of the "spinning beachball" icons on a regular basis, would this ocz stuff eliminate that being a superior ram?

Thanks guys in advance.
Wont the ram just run at applies pre determined rates, which i dont think you can change. Also tight timings dont matter so much in intel systems. Even in AMD ones your talking tiny differances. Just get the cheapest.

Although I'd sugest making a seperate thread about your iMac as that dont sound normal.

I think the ram will run at just a standard rate though i'm sure the ram is same spec speed wise, though my logic would say a better brand in ocz would be better and less susceptible to the beachball icons.
BTW i've sold my mac. Thing is that was the crucial brand being used, hence my thinking on spending the extra on ocz.
With your iMac, the hard drive isn't running out of space is it?

I've noticed that when i have got less that 50gig free i get more beachballs than normal.

Yeah i can imagine with the lack of the space on the hard drive, i have sold the iMac and now have a new macbook as mentioned it's the aluminum version.
Like one of the quotes above i think i may just go for the cheaper crucial brand of ram then :D
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