Am I a renowned police computer hacker?

3 Aug 2004
Bendigo, Australia.
Bit of a strange one this. I have just received a copy of my records held by the police as is required for the emigration process to Australia and something struck me as very odd. Firstly, they do hold some details for something quite boring that occurred eons ago, which wouldn't interest anyone except glaziers. Anyway, under the heading 'Intelligence Information' it states...

The Old Bill said:
Special Skills & Knowledge - Speaks French, whiz kid with computers ie Police computers
It is the ie Police computers part that has me worried. What does this say to you? What on Earth will the Australian authorities make of such an unwarranted and potentially damaging statement? Are they implying that they were grateful to me for having helped the local constabulary repair a seemingly impossible pc problem or are they implying that I am a Camembert and wine guzzling hacker/cracker?
Nix said:
he hacked into them :D
Please stop it, you're killing me :D

No, I have never attempted to hack a computer. I wouldn't know where to start tbh.

To get your records you just pick up a form from your local station and return it with a tenner.
If you've never had a run in with the police, they most probably don't hold any sort of file . I helped keep glaziers in business one night while very drunk and although it's no excuse, I don't see why the busies have to fabricate details. If I told them that I was Comp Sci student at the time, I can understand the 'whiz kid' part but to add some connection to police computers could be very damaging.

It's all a bit funny tbh but I will certainly make official enquiries before sending anything to immigration. Not sure if they are obliged to say how they came up with the information but I will certainly question it's validity and source.

It would be very interesting to see what they have written about others...
Royality said:
Man, that is freakin' COOL! I wonder what mine reads, problably something like this:

I'm going to get some l33t skills so everyone can be impressed with me. :D
They might just have me mixed up with you or some other miscreant :D
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