Am I being targeted?

1 Aug 2005
In b4 "it's aliens", which I would have kind of set myself up for...

This is a serious question though.

I'll try to make this succinct. A few weeks ago I found a painting by a skip which looked amazing. It was in great condition so I took it home. I couldn't fit in inside the flat yet, so I put a note on it under the stairs of our block of flats clearing saying "flat X, please do not remove". That night, the painting got taken, ok, fair enough, I had thought better of peoples' good natures, but whatever.

Soon after I was washing up a plant pot and put it outside the door to dry. That got taken. Then I noticed that our post was occasionally being opened, e.g. a parcel would be delivered, but when we went to get it it would be open - the contents would be there but it would be open.

Now for the weirdest part. On Saturday night I put some trainers outside the flat door, where they often remain sometimes before I bring them in. The next day they had disappeared. Then yesterday when I came back from work they had reappeared, but not placed back exactly where they were, but just thrown or dropped on the floor outside the door. Someone had clearly taken them or 'borrowed' them and just thrown them back outside the flat door after a couple of days.

Anyone remember this thread? Is something going on? It almost feels like I'm being stalked.
How large was this painting that you couldn't fit it into your flat?

It was about 3-4 ft by 2 ft [a guess]. So a decent size. We hadn't sorted out the wall space yet, and my wife has OCD so we hadn't worked out where to keep it inside. I said "fit" but was being lazy with my explanation.

BTW it's quite normal for people to keep things in the communal areas of the flats and put notes on them, as long as they only stay there for a couple of days.
Why wouldn't you just store it against a wall in one of the rooms?

It's very hard to explain OCD compulsions logically because they are illogical, and a discussion on OCD is going off topic. But in short, it's psychologically more clutter which the sufferer has to process and something else which needs cleaning. Like I say, it is not logical but it is a something which many sufferers find it difficult to work with.

yes, you are being targeted.

Really? What's the best thing to do?
Stop leaving things laying around in public areas....

Problems solved...

Not rocket science.....

Read my post here:

BTW it's quite normal for people to keep things in the communal areas of the flats and put notes on them, as long as they only stay there for a couple of days.

identify who is targeting you. a decent doorbell camera or similar should help with that. failing that, moving is probably you're only other option.

Is it worth reporting to the police do you think?
what are you going to tell them? someone nicked the painting you'd scavenged from the dump, someone played a practical joke with your trainers? until you can identify the person or persons doing this there's not a lot going to the police is to achieve.

OK, thank you.
I should point out that what makes it weirder is that there are only three flats on our floor, and they are set back from the main staircase and separated from it by a fire door. So if it wasn't one of the two either side of us [and we get on with one of them really well] someone would have to come into our section from another floor to take the shoes.

I suppose it's a matter of far you want to go with it.

You could stop leaving your stuff outside of your property, warn your neighbours theirs a thief in the building and advise them to follow suit.

This is probably the best course of action and yes, neighbours have been informed.

This is not really answering the question though since it's not just about the shoes, but the packages, other stuff being taken, not to mention our marriage certificate going missing a few weeks ago. It does look like I am being targeted.
That's sounds like a genuine challenge to live with, and I don't really see any mileage in posting more attempts at comedy comebacks from me.

I'll leave you with, try to stop leaving stuff where it can be nicked and good luck catching the culprit, of there is one.

Thank you for the honest response.

A previous (nightmare) neighbour had kids and they used to throw their shoes over the fence into my garden at least once a day.

I threw them back. I had a friendly word with her. I continued to throw them back, had another word. Nothing changed.

Eventually, I gave up and threw one back and put the other in the bin. The shoe throwing stopped shortly after this.

Yours is a good story and highly justified.

Sometimes people just do unexpected things though. Like the person who stole the saddle clamp for my bike - that was done either because they needed a clamp, or most likely, to annoy me. Which it did. I suppose it could have also been a warning that my bike was vulnerable.
After something else being stolen yesterday [which clearly had our flat marked on it], we are now setting a glitter trap.
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